How do whiskers help seal to detect fish?
Seals use their whisker to detect objects in the water, e.g., fish. However, how?
Seals use their whisker to detect objects in the water, e.g., fish. However, how?
We see wine tears and this is due to Marongoni effect.
The ground effect has been used to design vehicles to fly above the sea. However, it is abandoned, but the same ground effect is still utilized to improve the performance of F1 vehicles.
Ref: A review of flow-induced noise from finite wall-mounted cylinders
Turbulence is usually seen as the source of drag. However, it is also reason of drag reduction in bluff body flows due to the flow separation.
The original video is really cool!
The spinning top is seen as a toy, but it is also the reason of many things in our daily life.
Why is a cat able to land everytime when falling from a high place? To understand this, the conservation of angular momentum needs to be more closely analyzed.
Material point method along with other mesh-free methods start to show their power in animation production. This is how many latest animations make you feel so real with the latest research in compuation mechanics.
How does a laminar flow transition to a turbulent flow?
The Leidenforst effect is found in the 18th Century, where a liquid is placed on a surface significantly hotter than its boiling point, but the it takes long to become fully vapour due to a foam of vapour beneath.
The swinging ponytail can also be modeled!
Separation is a commonly seen phenomenon, but what are the possibilities of separation?
To understand the process of turbulence, scientists went through a long voyage through turbulence.
What is the actual aerodynamic reasoning behind airplane wings? How is its lift generated? We need to look back on its pressure distribution, and discuss the Joukowski theorem and the Kutta condition.
Is it possible to see multiple states in turbulence?
It is a weird thing to see a soliton wave on any water surface, which is not continuous and no nearby period. How can such wave live under the physical world?
The wetting behavior is often seen in the environment, and some creatures are able to avoid it. A famous example is the lotus leaf, where droplets do not wet the surface when raining. How is wetting works in nature? Can we utilize it wisely?
What is microexplosion and why does it happen in droplets?
How does instability behave in stratified environment